Monday, March 1, 2010

In an article called "Austin more than staying afloat" on the Austin Stateman website, it is being said that "this part of Texas, from Austin all the way down to San Antonio, could lead the nation's economic recovery." This article is aimed and anyone who has lost a job or is about to.
The article is about how Austin is trying to get corporations to open up down here to create an estimated 850 jobs. Facebook is already opening a unit which will create 300 jobs. A far cry from the 2,300 jobs lost between December 2008 and December 2009, but a good start.
In order to get these companys to open up down here, the government is giving them tax breaks. Apparently this has called for some criticism about using incentives to lure business. Frankly I don't see what the problem is, its helping more than its hurting. Its creating jobs in a time where jobs are hard to come by. So I agree with the author in that I think that this is a good opportunity and that its gonna help out a lot. But I don't think we will "lead the nation's economic recovery with" this, I think it's going to take a lot more that tax breaks and such to bring America out if this recession.