Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just do it already

In the original 1936 "educational" movie, Reefer Madness taught high school students that, when smoking marijuana, all kinds of crazy happens. There's a hit and run accident, manslaughter, suicide, rape, and you just descent into madness. Personally that sounds A LOT like a drunk person than a high one.
Now our society might not have the same outlandish ideas of marijuana it had back then but I swear we might as well have. The big question is how marijuana is illegal when drinking, which causes all that above isn't. Back in the day when the government tried it best to making drinking illegal, people did what people do today with marijuana. They went under ground. Gangs and Mobs have a fun time with that and crime went up. In the end, people won and we got our lovely booze back. Happy days. If it's true what they say about history then I'll place my bets that's what going to happen to marijuana.

Crime would go down cause people would just be too high. It's hard doing stuff high. Plus when you're high, you're happy. I've never seen a high person want to kill some one.

Tax the hell out of it and the government would be less in the hole. It would give people jobs in factories and junk.

I've heard the argument that people would just go around all day high. Um no. See this is America, land of the freedom with rules. We can't go to work drunk, drive drunk or be publicly intoxicated. We can't even smoke freaking cigarettes freely in Austin anymore. So duh there would be rules that came with the freedom, just like with EVERY freedom.

Should I even go into the health part? I don't feel like I need to because frankly people don't give a rats ass about that. If people did then cigs and booze wouldn't be legal. So what if marijuana can help you. So what its less harmful than eating a burger at McDonald's. Looking around at our society, we obviously don't ban things that are bad for you.

Like I said before, history is going to repeat itself. Marijuana is going to be legal someday. Looking at our economic issues, I'd say now would be a mighty fine time to do so.


  1. Well since we did our blog on the same topic, I think it might be curious to know what is being said on both sides. First of all, alcohol users and weed smokers are definitely two totally different things. Alcohol is know to bring out violence, suicide and irrational thinking, and weed smokers tend to be more chill and plain darn lazy. I too, related the too together, but only in the since where the law should prohibit such use. (i.e school, work, stores...etc.)

    It's a clear fact that high taxes could help on our economy and I don't know of anyone who would disagree with such a statement. Also, when it comes to crime, well there wouldn't be now would there? Most crimes happen because people sneak around to sell drugs or buy them. So basically our streets would be better cleaned up.

    Now my only objection to such a law being passed is what would the law entail? I also noticed you noted that people would not just walk around all day being high and because of a law being passed it would happen only on occasion, such as drinking. I find it hard to believe simply because it's a high demand right now. Obviously, in time, that would possible occur. But as soon as you put candy in-front of kids, they are all after it like animals. I wonder if that would happen with marijuana?

    I think in the first stages you will definitely see a decrease in productivity. It's an interesting topic, and I kind of am curious if "history repeats itself", when will history like to show it's face again?

  2. I have to totally disagree with Ms. Elizabeth on a few points she made on her commentary on "Legalization of Marijuana". First of all true alchol and marijuana are two totally different ballparks, I really don't see a comparison. One inhibits you from function and the other just makes you lazy. I am against drugs 100%, I personally have NEVER tried any drug or plan to. As far as the making you happy part I guess if you find happiness sitting on a couch stuffing your face with chips then good but life has so many other great things to offer and do with ones precious time as we only live once. But back to the topic, if this drug was to be legalized crime would not go down, it would only increase. Think of all those drug dealers that you have put out of buisness, all they have known is to sell illegal drugs. They are probably poor individuals with no education finding an easy way out, so what are they going to do now??? Commit more crimes, I'm sure theft would increase, mugging, fraud, and so on. This will increase the obesity in our children, slow the brain and prevent children from learing. As far as the economic issues yes it might help but in the long run that money will probably end up going to the overpopulated jails filled with the criminals that we thought we took off the street. I think its a horrible idea and I hope "weed" never gets legalized and I will fight for it as much as I can. But overall I think your blog was good but I personally do not agree with you at all.
